Man plagued by porn-induced headaches
A 24-year-old bachelor in India got severe headaches whenever he tried to watch an X-rated movie. But not from actually having sexNEW YORK DAILY NEWS

A terrible headache probably isn't the sensation people are hoping for when they turn on a porn video.
But unfortunately for a 24-year-old bachelor in India, that's exactly what has happened for the last two years whenever he tried to watch an X-rated movie.
According to a case study on the man, who is unnamed, he experiences "severe, exploding" headaches that develop gradually and peak about 10 minutes into a sex scene.
"The intensity was so severe that he had to abort watching," researchers from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University in New Delhiwrote wrote in the study, published this month in the journal
Archives of Sexual Behavior.
To avoid forgoing porn altogether, the man was advised by neurologists to take the equivalent of about 30 painkillers a half hour before turning on a video, the study says.
Researchers found that oddly, sex or masturbation didn't trigger the headaches - just the porn.
"This guy is interesting because he's just watching porn and not actually having sex," Dawn Buse, associate professor of neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and director of behavioral medicine at the Montefiore Headache Center in New York told ABC News. "But he probably still gets aroused and excited, which may be even worse than having sex because there's no release."
The neurologists that treated the man, a software engineer, found he was otherwise healthy. An exam of the man's brain showed no abnormalities, and he didn't have any history of migraines in the family, ABC News reported.
Researchers are unsure what's causing the headaches.
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